The Visa application process is sometimes complex and challenging. DubisLuxury acknowledges this fact and offers a Visa advice service to guide applicants in the visa application process. We do NOT act as your agent but merely advise and assist. This service is only available for Individuals/Groups that have booked their travel arrangements through DubisLuxury.
DubisLuxury, including its employees, will not be held responsible or liable for any costs, damage, consequential damage, or losses incurred due to the following:
- The delay of documents
- Non-Issuance, rejection or denial of any visa application whatsoever.
- Loss of passport and related documents.
In the case where applications are checked and/or submitted on behalf of the applicant, DubisLuxury has no obligations to accept any late applications or documents if the due date for submitted documents is missed/delayed by the applicant. The responsibility to submit the documents/application plus any additional costs incurred with the relevant authorities will then fall on the applicant solely.
DubisLuxury cannot guarantee the Issuance of any visa. The decision to grant a permit lies solely with the Embassy or High Commission of the relevant country involved.
All visa fees (including any visa service fees) are subject to change without prior notice and are determined by the Embassy, High Commission and/or third-party visa center concerned.
Requirements and processes are determined by the Embassy or High Commission concerned and not by DubisLuxury. The Embassy or High Commission reserves the right to amend the requirements or procedures without prior notice.